Influence Others without Authority II
Exerting influence in discussions
Constructive communication and conflict management are essential skills in many professional situations. What if a person is not convinced by your idea? How do you deal with objections, resistance, or conflicts of interest? How can an escalation take place without jeopardizing the personal relationship?
This programme offers you the opportunity to take your communication skills to a new level by learning how to persuasively convey your message and confidently handle objections as well as conflicts of interest.
Whether you are in sales, management, or interpersonal relations, this seminar will provide you with the tools and techniques to be more effective in conversations, have constructive conversations, and achieve better results.
What are the learning objectives?
You will recognize that an open and respectful attitude is the greatest success factor in achieving the desired result in a conversation.
You will learn to flexibly adapt the course of the conversation to the behavior of your stakeholders without losing sight of your goal.
You will learn helpful methods and techniques to deal with resistance and conflicts in a confident manner.
You will realize that the use of appropriate communication techniques has a high impact on your personal effectiveness.
Target group
  • Professionals and managers who manage projects or coordinate teams
  • Employees who work in interdisciplinary teams or matrix structures
  • Anyone who wants to improve their communication skills and approach conflicts constructively
Content and methodology
This programme combines theoretical insights, practical exercises, role plays and discussions to ensure that participants can directly transfer what they have learned to their professional context. We create an interactive learning environment where participants can expand their knowledge and accelerate their skills.
Attitude in conversations
Conversation tools & strategies (e.g. questioning techniques, active listening)
Providing and receiving feedback
Benefit argumentation
Dealing with objections and resistance
Dealing with conflicts of interest
Addressing and solving critical issues
Dealing with confrontation and verbal attacks
We are also happy to hold all our seminars at your site as an in-house programme.